Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Did you know that individuals with higher emotional intelligence are 70% more likely to climb the career ladder successfully? Welcome to a transformative journey towards heightened self-awareness and success! Mercer | Mettl presents the Emotional Intelligence Assessment, a groundbreaking test designed to gauge your ability to recognize, understand, manage, and control emotions and reactions.


Why Measure Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword; it's a career game-changer. According to recent studies, professionals with advanced emotional intelligence are not only 58% more likely to succeed in leadership roles but also experience 40% higher job satisfaction.

Whether you're a recruiter aiming to build a high-performing team or an individual striving for self-improvement, our assessment provides unparalleled insights into your emotional intelligence.

Benefits of the Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Comprehensive Evaluation

Measure your emotional intelligence across crucial dimensions.

Practical Insights

Gain actionable insights for personal and professional growth.

Scientifically Validated

Developed in collaboration with experts, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Ready to Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence?

Don't miss the chance to unlock your full emotional intelligence potential. Click below to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth

What the beneficiaries says

Your Investment

The best investment you can ever make is to invest in yourself.

Free for a Limited Time


Usually $27

1) A world-class assessment that will help develop your emotional intelligence. 

2) An exclusive in-depth report showing your strengths and areas for improvement.

Get Started Today!

50% Complete

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